“Prioritizing Your Life: Setting Goals and Achieving Success“ by Bishop Tammy Wilson

Published on 9 September 2023 at 10:20


I am thrilled to have you join me today as we discuss the importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing your life.

Why Prioritizing is Important

Efficiently managing our time is crucial to achieving success! When we prioritize our tasks, we can be sure that we're making the most of our limited time. It's so easy to get sidetracked by things like social media and forget about what really matters. By prioritizing, we can stop wasting time on pointless tasks and focus on what's really important. This can help us reach our goals and live a totally fulfilling life!

Setting Goals

Alright, to get started with prioritizing like a boss, you have to set some goals. This way, you're committing to something and making sure your actions line up with your aspirations. Goals are like the fuel that keeps you going, and they help push you towards your dreams and accomplishments.

It's super important to sort your goals based on what you wanna achieve. For example, you can have career goals, relationship goals, health goals, and personal development goals. Each category should have specific actions that you need to take to achieve your objectives.

Once you've got your goals set, it's a must to have a roadmap that guides your actions towards achieving your dreams. But remember, it's important to be flexible and realistic, 'cause sometimes things don't always go according to plan. You might encounter obstacles or setbacks that require you to reevaluate and adjust your goals.

Keys for Setting SMART Goals

Okay, so when you're setting goals, you have to keep these things in mind to make sure they're SMART:

  • Specific: You need to know exactly what you're trying to achieve, so make sure the goal is clear and specific.
  • Measurable: You wanna be able to track your progress, so make sure the goal is measurable.
  • Achievable: Don't make the goal too easy, but also don't make it impossible. It should be challenging but achievable.
  • Relevant: The goal should be relevant to your overall vision and values, so make sure it helps you move towards your aspirations.
  • Time-bound: Have a deadline or timeframe for the goal. This way, you'll feel like you gotta hustle to get it done.

By making sure your goals are SMART, you're setting yourself up for success and taking actionable steps towards achieving your objectives.


So, if you want to be successful, you gotta set some boundaries and prioritize your life. This means setting some goals and putting your energy and time into the things that really matter to you. Time's a precious commodity, so don't waste it on stuff that doesn't bring you closer to your dreams.

Tags: Goal Setting, Prioritizing, Self Care Author: Pastor Tammy Tate Wilson

Bishop Tammy Tate Wilson, M.MSc; EILC, SCLC

Exalted Word Ministries,Clt

Ecclesia Ecumenical Leadership

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