The Mission of This College

The mission of The College of Sacred Servants is to nurture and empower apostles, bishops, pastors, elders and adjutants in their spiritual, educational, and communal roles as servants of faith. The institution aims to provide a supportive and enriching environment for clergy members to deepen their understanding of their faith, enhance their leadership skills, and foster a strong sense of community among themselves.

Empowering Spiritual Leaders Through Education & Community.”

College Slogan:"Empowered by Faith, United in Service"

This slogan captures the essence of the College of Sacred Servants. It emphasizes the source of their strength and purpose, which is their unwavering faith. The word "empowered" conveys a sense of divine inspiration and guidance, indicating that their actions are rooted in a higher calling. "United in Service" highlights the spirit of togetherness and collaboration among the Apostles, Bishops, and Pastors as they work collectively to serve their communities and fulfill their sacred duties. This slogan evokes a sense of dedication, harmony, and purpose that reflects the ethos of the institution and its commitment to their shared mission.

The Core Values of The College

Reverence and Dedication: The college emphasizes the importance of approaching their spiritual duties with deep respect, reverence, and devotion. This value encourages clergy members to cultivate a strong connection with their faith and to serve their congregation with sincerity and commitment.

Continuous Learning and Growth: The institution recognizes that spiritual leaders must continuously seek personal and professional growth. The college is dedicated to providing educational resources, workshops, and training programs that enhance their knowledge and skills, allowing them to effectively navigate the challenges of their roles.

Community and Mutual Support: The college places great importance on fostering a sense of community among clergy members. It strives to create a supportive and inclusive environment where they can connect, share experiences, and support one another in their spiritual journeys. Through regular meetings and gatherings, the college encourages collaboration and the exchange of ideas, promoting a strong bond among its members.

Service to Congregation and Upholding Beliefs: The college believes in the significance of serving their congregation and upholding the core beliefs of their faith. Clergy members are encouraged to prioritize the needs of their community, providing guidance, support, and spiritual nourishment. They are also expected to act as role models, embodying the values and teachings of their faith.

In terms of the sub-task, the mission and core values defined above address the spiritual, educational, and communal aspects of the roles of apostles, bishops, and pastors. By focusing on nurturing spirituality, promoting continuous learning, fostering a sense of community, and emphasizing service to the congregation and upholding beliefs, The College of Sacred Servants aims to provide a comprehensive foundation for the clergy members to fulfill their roles effectively. This approach ensures that they are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and support to serve as faithful and dedicated servants of faith.

Training & Development

It is our desire to develop a comprehensive training and development program for the annual meetings, including sessions on spiritual growth, leadership, pastoral care, and community building. To develop a comprehensive training and development program for the annual meetings of "The College of Sacred Servants," we need to consider the overall objective and the specific areas of focus mentioned in the sub-task.

Understand the problem: The problem is to create a program that encompasses various aspects of training, development, and growth for the clergy members attending the annual meetings. The goal is to enhance their spiritual growth, leadership skills, pastoral care abilities, and foster community building.

a) Spiritual Growth: This variable focuses on deepening the understanding of faith, exploring theological concepts, and nurturing personal spiritual development.

b) Leadership: This variable aims to develop leadership skills among the clergy, enabling them to guide and inspire their congregations effectively.

c) Pastoral Care: This variable emphasizes the ability to provide compassionate and effective care to individuals and communities, addressing their spiritual, emotional, and practical needs.

d) Community Building: This variable centers around fostering a sense of unity and support among the clergy, creating a strong community of individuals dedicated to their faith and service.

Apostolic Apology For The Sacred Servants College:

At Sacred Servants College, we uphold the sacred practice of Apostolic succession, recognizing that the consecration of a bishop must be conducted by at least three duly consecrated bishops to ensure ecclesiastical validity. We affirm that while bishops serve in a vital office, they do not replace the Apostles. Instead, Apostleship is a unique, God-given gift to the Church, and the office of bishop is one that can be desired, as Paul outlines in 1 Timothy 3:1.

We also believe that those called to Apostleship should, at some point, be duly consecrated to maintain order and authenticity in the leadership of God’s Church. This consecration solidifies their calling and ensures continuity in Apostolic authority and governance.

Through this structured, biblically-sound approach to consecration, Sacred Servants College ensures that every leader is prepared not only spiritually but also doctrinally, to defend the Apostolic faith and serve with integrity in the Church.

from the Episcopal Desk of: 

+ Martin Wilson