“The Shift Towards a Congress of Bishops“ by Apostle Reginald Thompson

Published on 1 April 2024 at 23:06

In recent years, there has been a noticeable trend among bishops leaving their episcopal reformations or organizations to join a Congress or college of bishops. These individuals seek an alternative that offers a more meaningful experience and a greater sense of fulfillment in their leadership roles. This article explores the reasons behind this shift and the appeal of joining a Congress or college of bishops.

1. Less Abrasive Environment.

One key reason bishops are opting for a Congress or college of bishops is the perception of a less abrasive environment. Traditional episcopal reformations and organizations often come with strict restrictions and regulations that can hinder personal growth and creativity. In contrast, a Congress or college of bishops provides a more collaborative and inclusive space for bishops to express their ideas and contribute to the collective decision-making process.

2. Greater Meaning and Purpose.

Bishops are drawn to the idea of being part of a Congress or college of bishops because it offers a deeper sense of meaning and purpose. These institutions prioritize the spiritual and theological aspects of leadership, emphasizing the shared responsibility of building and nurturing the community of bishops. By being part of a collective body, bishops feel a stronger sense of purpose in their roles, as they work together to address the challenges faced by the Church and society.

3. Enhanced Leadership Development.

Joining a Congress or college of bishops presents opportunities for enhanced leadership development. These institutions often provide specialized training programs, workshops, and mentoring opportunities for bishops to further develop their skills and knowledge. By investing in their personal growth, bishops can enhance their effectiveness as leaders and contribute more meaningfully to the community they serve.

4. Covenant and Fellowship.

The desire for deeper connection and fellowship is another driving force behind the shift towards a Congress or college of bishops. Bishops yearn for a sense of belonging and camaraderie with like-minded individuals who share their passion for spiritual growth and service. In a Congress or college of bishops, they find a supportive network that fosters meaningful relationships, collaboration, and accountability.

5. Increased Return on Leadership Investment.

Bishops are increasingly seeking environments that offer a more significant return on their leadership investment. They want to be part of a community that values and recognizes their contributions, providing them with the support and resources needed to thrive. A Congress or college of bishops often offers a more comprehensive framework for bishop development, empowering leaders to make a greater impact on their dioceses and the broader Church.

The decision of bishops to leave their episcopal reformations or organizations and join a Congress or college of bishops reflects a growing desire for a more meaningful and fulfilling leadership experience. These institutions provide a less restrictive and more collaborative environment, emphasizing the spiritual and theological aspects of leadership. By investing in their personal growth, bishops can enhance their effectiveness and contribute to the collective mission of nurturing and building the community of bishops. As this trend continues, it is essential to recognize the value and significance of these alternative structures in shaping the future of episcopal leadership.

You are invited to be a part of this new evolutionary Congress, in which we call “The College of Sacred Servants”, where we are "Empowered by Faith United in Service".

Apostolic Desk of

Apostle Reginald Thompson

Senior Pastor & Presider of United Global Church

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